Domestic Workers & Thai Labour Law
Domestic Workers & Thai Labour Law In this article, we shall look at domestic workers and how they are treated according to Thai labour law. To begin with we shall examine this issue from the perspective of the Labour Protection Act B.E.2541 (1998) (LPA) and its regulations, in particular we shall also look at the impact of regulation 14 and what it means for employers of domestic staff. Thereafter, we shall move onto examining how this category of workers are treated according to the Workmen’s Compensation Act BE 2537 (WCA) and the Social Security Act BE 2533 (SSA). Treatment of Domestic Workers under the Labour Protection Act Ordinarily most employees in Thailand are entitled to the rights and benefits prescribed in this legislation, however according to Ministerial Regulation No. 14 B.E.2555 (2012) (2) which was issued under the LPA, […]