Tax Newsletter APRIL 2016
DLO’S Tax Newsletter Issue 64 April 2016 Tax Law Update Extending for Filing Tax Return for Juristic Person Registered with Revenue Department The Royal Act of Exemption and Supporting for tax operation under the Revenue Code B.E. 2558 which is to exempt from some processes of tax examination to juristic person registered with Revenue Department according to the Act. In order to help juristic persons with respect to accounting adjustments (in the accounting period of B.E. 2558), the Minister of Finance has agreed to extend the period of filing a tax return until June 30, 2016 according to the following conditions: Value Added Tax Return (Por. Phor. 30) (Por. Phor. 36) (Only for additional filing) Witholding Tax Return (Phor. Ngor. Dor. 1, Phor. Ngor. Dor. 2, Phor. Ngor. Dor. 3, Phor. Ngor. Dor. 53 and Phor. Ngor. Dor. 54) […]