Reorganization & Unfair Termination

Increasing the minimum wage to be 300 Baht per day across all provinces in Thailand coupled with the impending commencement of the Asian Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 will change the operating environment for many businesses in Thailand, the above mentioned wage change will be particularly significant as salary payments are often the main operating expense of a business. Not all businesses in Thailand will be able to shift this additional burden onto their customers, hence some of them will need to improve or streamline their businesses in order to be able to compete with the foreign companies who will become increasingly competitive under the AEC. To face this hurdle, many business owners will likely consider cutting unnecessary expenses; those who operated through the 1997 economic crisis will likely have considerable experience in overcoming such challenges and should be able […]

Product Liability Laws in Thailand

  Introduction: In Thailand, the key pieces of legislation dealing with the issue of product liability are: 1. Liability for Damages Arising from Unsafe Product Act (2008) otherwise known as the Product Liability Act (2008); and 2. The Consumer Cases Act (2008). The Thai Civil and Commercial Code is also relevant as it supplements the Product Liability Act in relation to compensation to injured persons. Product Liability Act (2008) Purpose of the Act The main purposes behind this legislation were to: a. Instill greater consumer confidence in products in Thailand and to better protect the public from dangerous or defective products; b. Simplify the previous legal approach to product liability which was overly complicated and make it easier for injured persons to receive justice and fair compensation. Scope of the Act This Act offers consumers considerable protection given that it […]