Unfair Termination (Part 1)

    Unfair Termination (Part 1)   Most employers misunderstand the law relating to terminating staff and as such are of the opinion that if they pay severance pay to a terminated employee according to the Labor Protection Act, they can terminate an employment contract for any reason whatsoever. Such a misunderstanding of the law can lead to an employer being subject to considerable legal liability as an effected employee may be able claim compensation from the employer on the grounds of unfair termination or in some cases an employer may be forced to recall a terminated employee back to work again. There are many issues which need to be examined when determining what constitutes an unfair termination, however in this article we will mainly focus on judgments of the Supreme Court in order to provide guidance on the issue. […]

Legal Issues to Consider when Leasing Residential Property in Thailand

  Legal Issues to Consider when Leasing Residential Property in Thailand The leasing of residential property in Thailand is a commonplace transaction which affects the lives of many, however, there are a number of legal issues that tenants & landlords should be aware of in order to avoid problems developing at a later stage. One of the most asked questions we hear is whether a residential lease needs to be registered at the Land Department. Basically, if the term of a lease is 3 years or less than 3 years then registration of the lease is not required in order for the lease to be legally enforceable. However, in order to protect the tenants’ interests, a lease with a term which exceeds 3 years (but 30 years or less) should be registered in order ensure enforceability in court. When registering […]

Nonstandard Performance and Unfair Termination

Nonstandard Performance and Unfair Termination     A Company or business that employs a senior manager or a skilled foreigner, will likely pay wages and special welfare benefits which are greater than that of regular employees, such benefits may include a company car with driver, international health/ life insurance or the provision of a residence such as an apartment or house. Moreover, in order to safeguard the interests of the business/company, an employer will normally make a written employment contract with such employee(s) that covers various key details including term of employment, remuneration/ benefits and the job responsibilities of the employee.   Given that the employer agrees to pay these high benefits, they often expect that such employees will have special skills & experience that will help to improve the profitability and efficiency of the company/business. However, as we shall […]